Saturday, May 2, 2009

Log4erl 0.8.6 is released!


After a small delay, version 0.8.6 is available in both google code page as well as in I don't like to publish latest code until I finish with all intended features, so, sorry for those who's been waiting for particular feature.

This release includes XML appender, with very flexible configuration. You can basically add whatever attribute/element you want in the output xml record for logs. You can configure XML appender using file-based configuration but unfortunately, it's not possible to send XMLSpecs (look at Appenders_API.txt for more info) in file-based configuration yet.

Another change in 0.8.6 is to have sync logging instead of async (use sync_notify instead of notify in gen_event). This actually should be faster and prevent crashing erlang in high loads.

There are also small changes, most notably is the introduction of error_logger handler. Check out documentation in this release for more information.

As usual, I'll be happy to hear your comments/suggestions. You know my email!

Best regards,



Ngọc Quang said...

Thank you for putting it to github. It makes it easy to use submodule to add log4erl to other git projects.

Log4erl said...

Hi Ngoc dao,

Thanks for that. Actually, I've added it to github because I needed it there :). It's nice to see it's helpful to others.


Unknown said...

Hello, I'm having trouble using the email appender using the latest copy in the website. The code fails at when it tries to call smtp_fsm:login because smtp_appender:init_smtp only passes 2 parameters (Uname, Password), while smtp_fsm:login accepts 3 parameters (Fsm, Uname, Password). Am I just missing a step here?

Log4erl said...

Hi Lou,

I apologize for the late reply.

The problem you encountered is a bug. The solution is to change the line 128 from:
smtp_fsm:login(Uname, Password)
smtp_fsm:login(Pid, Uname, Password)

I will update the code in svn code base shortly.


Unknown said...

Hi, I've got a problem using file_appender. The 'dir' property for file_appender can't have slash character ('/') in it. I think it's due to missing that character in the LS definition in src/log4erl_lex.xrl. Is it right?

Log4erl said...

Hi chaoslawful,

This is a known issue in configuration parser. You're right about the solution. I would suggest to use Ken Pratt's fork at ( which solves the issue. The updated solution will be added to google code's repo soon.

Log4erl said...

Just to let you know, the latest release with many fixes and enhancements are in the github repo.
